Why is it good to help these dear military members and families of.
The Dept. of Defense own studies reflect that at over 20% of returning troops will suffer from P.T.S.D., Homelessness or poverty. Your mission is to encourage and educate veterans on what their potential entitlements may be and to apply for those benefits. You wont be alone and the wilderness is vast.
Whenever a young man or a young woman from one of our churches joins the military, the local church must conduct a small dedication service on his/her behalf. The dedication could take place during the worship service; following you can see a sample of the service:
a) The Pastor/Elder calls the young soldier to the podium.
b) The Pastor/Elder expresses words of encouragement and thanksgiving to the soldier for committing to serve the country. A few words regarding the faithfulness to God and God’s protection in times of crisis are very appropriate at this time.
c) The Pastor/Elder presents the bible (and possibly a devotional) to the soldier.
d) The Pastor and the Elders of the church surround the soldier and have a special prayer of dedication and protection for him/her.
In addition to the above, a National Service Organization (NSO) Kit is given from ether VFC or the NAD Adventist Youth Ministries Department. The VFC version NSO Kit contains -
Pocket size bible (New Test.)
Steps to Christ
Psalm 91 Military Edition Book
A NSO subscription car to receive two Adventist publications plus:
A Sabbath School Quarterly
NSO publication of For “GOD and Country” journal
NOTE: The NAD NSO version doesn’t contain the Psalms 91 Military Edition book
The church then makes a soldier contact card and takes the name, branch, home and duty station addresses. If possible, you can add the Parents to the soldiers contact card.
When holidays come up during the year, contact the soldier (examples,..Facebook, holiday cards or call)
This is to let the soldier know that the church is STILL home for them.