“Faded from the Military, but not from Service.”
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Ministry  to Soldiers

A church with a focused military ministry is one which has developed a unique and creative ministry to the military. The military ministry of a focused church goes beyond being military-friendly to the place of having a vision, plan, and strategy which actually has been worked out and put into practice by those leading the ministry. Ministry to and missions through the military is a significant aspect of the vision of a focused church. However, having a focused military ministry does not mean that this is the total emphasis of the church, but rather one important ministry and way of doing missions.

  Most of us think of ministry as the work done by pastors, missionaries, Christian conference speakers, or evangelists. We rarely think of work done by bankers, lawyers, engineers, or homemakers. We typically believe that those who get their paychecks from a church or other Christian organization are the ones who “do” ministry, while the rest of us are those to whom ministry is “done.”

The Greek word in the New Testament that is often translated as “ministry” is diakonia. The basic meaning of this word is “service.” It can refer to tasks as basic as waiting tables (see Acts 6:1), caring for the poor through monetary gifts (see 2 Corinthians 9:12), or proclaiming the gospel (see Acts 20:24). The term is not limited to the service of a select few appointed to particular offices within the church. In fact, the exact opposite is the case. Paul said that those who hold offices in the church are given gifts for the purpose of enabling all of God’s people to do ministry.

  In September 2002, Major David Bowlus shipped out to Afghanistan on the first of his eight deployments. As a chaplain to Army Rangers, he tended to have shorter deployments, but to be placed in the heaviest action. “It was a hard transition,” he said. “I don’t want to be a liability. I want to be able to defend the soldiers I’m caring for. But what helped me is realizing the Army had me there for a reason: to supply spiritual support. And if I’m not doing it, nobody else did.”  Doing what comes hardest for almost any minister — admitting he or she needs help — Major Bowlus began confiding in several other chaplains, some West Point friends and an Air Force officer he had come to know during church services in Afghanistan.  Here is where our ministries fit in.

  Repeated operational deployments have placed a tremendous strain on our Soldiers and their Families (and their chaplains). And yet they courageously carry on, daily making great sacrifices for the American people. Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen are the real unsung heroes of all wars and conflicts.

(Edited VA Video) Ministry Video Highlight This video shows how important that role of the church can play in helping soldiers. To read more of his story: Chaplain Major D. Bowlus A general guide where the church effectively can minister to soldiers

It doesn't take a lot to make a difference in someone’s life…  

  interesting enough its always the small things that make the difference.




(Note: Some troops have allergies & need Brand Name toiletries which list all ingredients. The military issues and/or sells toiletries to our troops, however troops often miss their favorite brand of shampoo or soap. Our goal is to send troops reminders of home & items they miss ... not free samples.)





MINISTERING TO THE SOLDIER SOURCES:  Various Dallas, TX military personnel outreach (churches, medical and nonprofit) Rob A Johnson (USMC) The New York Times (Chaplain - Major Bowlus) The Veterans Association (VA)