“Faded from the Military, but not from Service.”
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The Pentagon's 2005 survey revealed that 44 percent of soldiers thought seeking mental health treatment would damage their career. Veterans who are reluctant to seek help fall into a higher “at risk” group who are prone to alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic violence, divorce, homelessness, incarceration and suicide. Nearly 60% of Veterans who suffer from significant combat related stress perceive a barrier to seeking care and help for the following reasons:

    Fear of being stigmatized by their peers and superiors

    Fear of documentation in their medical records

    The personal pride of being a warrior creates a significant aversion to appearing vulnerable by asking for help.

    Apprehension to talking with counselors, especially if they are civilians or non-Combat Veterans: The implication to a Veteran when counseling is suggested is they are broken and in need of being fixed.


Every 80 minutes

A Veteran Dies from Suicide

18 Per Day = 540 Per Month = 6,570 Per Year

More Veterans Die From Suicide Each Year Than All US Military Killed In Action Since 911 Combined

Far too many Veterans are suffering from the hidden traumatic wounds of war

Veterans who need help the most are reluctant or incapable of asking for it.


Fear of being stigmatized

Fear of having documentation in their medical records for seeking help

Seeking counseling infers they are broken and need to be “fixed”

To any and all Veterans of The United States Military Forces, their family and

their friends - You are welcome here!

This is a place for you to share your stories of victories and defeats. A place for

you to seek and hopefully find help, if that is what you need.

To all the people out there that want to learn and listen to what our Veterans

have had to go through and are going through, people that care, and want to

help - You're welcome here!